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on football

If Patriots are smart, Tim Tebow will sit in 2013

Signing Tebow was about getting him out of the spotlight and seeing if he can develop into a No. 2 quarterback.

exclusive tuesday preview

Lawmakers to consider raising minimum wage

State legislators are considering a substantial increase in the state minimum wage for the first time in four years, from $8 to $11 an hour by 2015.

US to comply with ruling on morning-after pill

The federal government on Monday told a judge it will reverse course and take steps to comply with his order to allow girls of any age to buy emergency contraception without prescriptions.

Publicist Kate Conti’s firm has promoted meditation’s benefits but she finds she cannot focus on it.


G Cover

The stress of not meditating

Extolling the benefits of meditation has become big business, but trying mindfully clear one’s mind can be exasperating.

Flood watch issued as downpours expected

The National Weather Service issued a flood watch effective through late Tuesday night for the entire state, except for the Cape and Islands.

Bryan Schutmaat’s “Tonopah, Nevada.” ”

Photography review

Wide world of lives, living in annual ‘Exposure’ show

The annual juried exhibition at the Photographic Resource Center at Boston University this year features the work of eight photographers who show a range of visions.

George Tooker’s “Study for Subway” in the Addison show.

Art Review

Show frames 20th century’s gay male life

The art exhibit tells a story of gay life, from yearning and closeted to out and proud.



// Who is a patent troll?

Innovation is complicated, and simplistically labeling companies as trolls is more likely to make things worse.